Latest News

  • 2025-01-31: Big Congratulations to Kiyanoush and the team for our Nature Machine Intelligence paper being accepted.
  • 2025-01-07: Nice to be back to 6th UK Manipulation Workshop. in KCL this year, showing the UK research insititutes in Robotic Manipulation advancements.
  • 2024-11-16: Dr. Amir has started his appointment as Senior Editor of IEEE T-ASE (Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering).
  • 2024-10-14: Dr. Amir gave an invited talk at the IEEE IROS 2025 Haptics Workshop on evolving landscape challenges.
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Current & past projects highlights

Medical Robotics
Intelligent algorithms and soft robotic systems for early breast cancer detection.
Artemis logo
Agri-food Robotics
Robotic picking from strawberry clusters.
Robofruit logo
Waste Decommissioning Robotics
Haptitc-guided teleoperation for manipulation tasks.
CELLO logo

intelligent manipulation laboratory

Our team

Our team brings together researchers, doctorands, and master students.

Group photo of IML team


Read about the experiences of past team members.

Looking back at how I changed during this period, I see that this experience has given me a lot, not only in terms of practical knowledge, which is obviously important, but mainly in terms of experience and self-confidence.
Giorgio Bonvicini
M.Sc. Student

About IML

Outreach and impact

IML is committed to impactful research activities. These include knowledge transfer to companies and education. IML represented the University of Surrey research towards Net Zero and showcased its research demo at COP26--United Nations ( UN Climate Change in 2021) Conference. See photos of our exhibition and news at IML at COP26.

Accessibility Statement

We've worked hard on the IML website and believe we've achieved our goal of Level AA accessibility. We monitor the website regularly to maintain this, but if you do find any problems, please get in touch.

Workshops and talks

IML team is actively involved in organising international scientific workshops/tutorials, and team members are actively giving invited talks. Scientific Workshops at international conferences, invited talks at different venues.

Contact us

Want to reach us for a collaboration? Please do!


Oxford University
University of Bristol
University of Birmingham
London Imperial College
Polytechnic University of Milan