Find out what is happening @ IML.
- 2023-11-06: Happy to share Will Mandil, our final year PhD student
started as an intern at Toshiba Research, Cambridge. He will work on forward model and Model-based RL
Best of Luck, Will!
- 2023-11-06: Congrats to Vishnu Rajendran, our final year PhD student
for finishing up his research and starting as Research Engineer at Omnifactory, University of Nottingham.
Best of Luck Vishnu.
- 2023-11-01: Congrats to Kiyanoush Nazari, our final year PhD student
for finishing up his research and starting as Research Asssitant at Lincoln Institute for Agri-food Technology.
Best of Luck Kiyanoush.
- 2023-11-01: Dr Amir Ghalamzan Amir Ghalamzan, Funding
of IML started as Associate Professor at the University of Surrey. Exciting adventure ahead and
another Chapter of IML with many exciting new research
- 2023-11-01: Dr Amir Ghalamzan Amir Ghalamzan, Funding
of IML started as Associate Professor at the University of Surrey. Exciting adventure ahead and
another Chapter of IML with many exciting new research
- 2022-10-01: Kudus to Kiyanoush Nazari, our PhD
studetnfor his paper accepted to CoRL (Conference on Robot Learning) 2022. A big achivement and
nice piece of work useful for futur robotic manipulation
(Video Presentation).
- 2022-08-01: We successfully tested our strawberry picking robot at Dyson Glasshouse Robofruits,
Looking forward to the next steps to see our robot being used in wide scale.
- 2022-07-01: Kudus to Alessandra Tafuro, our M.Sc.
project studetn from Politecnico di Milano, for her paper accepted to IEEE IROS 2022. She also
published a paper in ICRA 2022. Great job Alessandra!
(Video Presentation).
- 2022-06-01: Kudus to Vishnu, our talented PhD
studetn for his paper accepted to ICCR2022. This study is pivotal to our understanding of
strawberry picking requirements. Peduncle Gripping and Cutting Force for Strawberry Harvesting
Robotic End-effector Design. Paper to be available soon.
- 2022-05-01: Kudus to Dr Soran Parsa, our amazing postdoc,
for his paper accepted to CHI'22: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
(Video Presentation).
- 2022-04-12: Amir will give a plenary talk at Global Meet on Agricultural Science and Technology
- 2022-04-12: Kudos to Willow Mandil and Kiyanoush Nazari for their
RSS paper.
- 2022-03-29: IML exhibited its Robots at UKRI event on 'Robots
for safer future'.
- 2022-01-10: Kudos to Alessandra Tafuro and Rick for their
ICRA paper on strawberry picking
- 2021-12-01: Kudos to Yetty
and others for their AAAI paper on Deep Movement
Primitives: toward Breast Cancer
Examination Robot.
- 2021-11-01: IML exhibited its Robots at COP26 Robofruits