Intelligent Manipulation Lab (IML)

  • Remark: IML exhibited selective harvesting robot at COP26 (UN Conference on Climate Change, 2021-11-02~12); Read more about it in news article!


Find out more about IML activities and milestones at @IntManLab

  • 2024-10-24-: Amir will give an invited talk at The IEEE Full-Day Workshop at the 2024 International Conference on Social Robotics on Open Challenges for Household Robotics.
  • 2024-10-14-: Invited talk at IEEE IROS 2025 The workshop on Evolving Landscape of Haptic Technologies: Research Challenges and Industry needs.
  • 2024-09-29: Kudos to the team, Acoustic Soft Curvature Sensing is accepted for publication at Robotics and Automation Letter (Paper on IEEE) and Paper on arxiv..
  • 2024-06-14: Kudos all the Fast-pick team, our paper on 5G enabled edge computing for near real-time robot control: a use case in selective harvesting robots is accepted for publication at Journal of Field Robotics (Link to paper).
  • 2024-05-09: Kudos Dr Kiyanoush Nazari for passing his PhD viva with minor corrections. Dr Nazari did an outstanding job and developed novel methods for data-driven robot control and applied them in robotic manipulation to control slip and 3-D cluster pushing/manipulation. Dr Nazari published at AAAI, CoRL, IROS, ICRA and RSS, and have a paper under review in Nature Machine Intelligence. Hats off! We are looking forward to seeing your success in next R\&D activities of your interests. You will be part of IML for ever! Best of Luck Dr Kiyanoush.
  • 2024-01-14: Kudos Vishnu Rajendran, our final year PhD student, Kiyanoush and Willow, for their paper being accepted at IEEE Robosoft Conference (Link to pre-print).
  • 2023-12-01: Congrats to Vishnu Rajendran, our final year PhD student for finishing up his research and starting as Research Engineer at Omnifactory, University of Nottingham. Best of Luck Vishnu.
  • 2023-11-06: Happy to share Will Mandil, our final year PhD student started as an intern at Toshiba Research, Cambridge. He will work on forward model and Model-based RL Best of Luck, Will!
  • 2023-11-01: Congrats to Kiyanoush Nazari, our final year PhD student for finishing up his research and starting as Research Asssitant at Lincoln Institute for Agri-food Technology. Best of Luck Kiyanoush.
  • 2023-11-01: Dr Amir Ghalamzan Amir Ghalamzan, Funding Director of IML started a new position as Associate Professor at the University of Surrey. Exciting adventure ahead and another Chapter of IML with many exciting new research
  • 2023-08-10: Kudus to Will Mandil, our final year PhD student and the team for their paper being accepted at Sensors (Link to the pre-print).
  • 2023-04-25: Kudus to Rahaf Rahal, and our long term collaborator Dr. Paolo Robuffo Giordano for our paper being accepted at Autonomous Robots (Link to the pre-print).
  • 2023-03-10: Kudus to Vishnu Rajendran, our final year PhD student and the team for their paper being accepted at Internationa Journal of Field Robotics (Link to the pre-print).
  • 2023-01-10: Kudus to Soran Parsa, our postdoc for his paper being accepted at Internationa Journal of Field Robotics (Link to the pre-print).
  • 2022-10-01: Kudus to Alessandro Tafuro, our M.Sc. thesis student from Politecnico di Milano for her paper being accepted at IEEE IROS 2022 (Link to the pre-print).
  • 2022-10-01: Kudus to Kiyanoush Nazari, our PhD studetnfor his paper accepted to CoRL (Conference on Robot Learning) 2022. A big achivement and nice piece of work useful for futur robotic manipulation (Video Presentation).
  • 2022-08-01: We successfully tested our strawberry picking robot at Dyson Glasshouse Robofruits, Looking forward to the next steps to see our robot being used in wide scale.
  • 2022-07-01: Kudus to Alessandra Tafuro, our M.Sc. project studetn from Politecnico di Milano, for her paper accepted to IEEE IROS 2022. She also published a paper in ICRA 2022. Great job Alessandra! (Video Presentation).
  • 2022-06-01: Kudus to Vishnu, our talented PhD studetn for his paper accepted to ICCR2022. This study is pivotal to our understanding of strawberry picking requirements. Peduncle Gripping and Cutting Force for Strawberry Harvesting Robotic End-effector Design. Paper to be available soon.
  • 2022-05-01: Kudus to Dr Soran Parsa, our amazing postdoc, for his paper accepted to CHI'22: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (Video Presentation).
  • 2022-04-12: Amir will give a plenary talk at Global Meet on Agricultural Science and Technology (GMAST2023).
  • 2022-04-12: Kudos to Willow Mandil and Kiyanoush Nazari for their RSS conference paper.
  • 2022-03-29: IML exhibited its Robots at UKRI event on 'Robots for safer future'.
  • 2022-01-10: Kudos to Alessandra Tafuro and Rick for their IEEE ICRA paper on strawberry picking dataset.
  • 2021-12-01: Kudos to Yetty and others for their AAAI paper on Deep Movement Primitives: toward Breast Cancer Examination Robot.
  • 2021-11-01: IML exhibited its Robots at COP26 Robofruits project.

Current & past projects highlights

IML conducts research on Robots for (1) Agri-food, (2) Waster Sort & Segregation and (3) Health.
For full list of projects visit Projects page

Robots 4 Precision Agri-food Production
Robotic picking from strawberry clusters.
Robofruit logo
Robots 4 Waste Decommissioning
Haptitc-guided teleoperation for manipulation tasks.
CELLO logo
Robots 4 Health
Intelligent algorithms and soft robotic systems for early breast cancer detection.
Artemis logo

intelligent manipulation laboratory

Our team

Our team brings together researchers, doctorands, and master students.

Group photo of IML team


Read about the experiences of past team members.

Looking back at how I changed during this period, I see that this experience has given me a lot, not only in terms of practical knowledge, which is obviously important, but mainly in terms of experience and self-confidence.
Giorgio Bonvicini
M.Sc. Student

About IML

Outreach and impact

IML is committed to impactful research activities. These include knowledge transfer to companies and education. IML represented the University of Surrey research towards Net Zero and showcased its research demo at COP26--United Nations ( UN Climate Change in 2021) Conference. See photos of our exhibition and news at IML at COP26.

Accessibility Statement

We've worked hard on the IML website and believe we've achieved our goal of Level AA accessibility. We monitor the website regularly to maintain this, but if you do find any problems, please get in touch.

Workshops and talks

IML team is actively involved in organising international scientific workshops/tutorials, and team members are actively giving invited talks. Scientific Workshops at international conferences, invited talks at different venues.

Contact us

Want to reach us for a collaboration? Please do!


Oxford University
University of Bristol
University of Birmingham
London Imperial College
Polytechnic University of Milan